Red Lentil Stew

Kaki, you know I love me a slow cooker meal.  Sadly, for the meat-light or no-meat crowd, they usually involve vast quantities of tough meat that you’re trying to cook into sweet, tasty oblivion.  Not this time, Kaki.  We’ve got us … Continue reading

My Top 10 Repeat-Worthy Recipes

Kaki!  You know, I make new dishes all the time, constantly testing out different techniques and flavors and ingredients.  Buuuut there are also those handful of dishes that I make over and over again.  Here are the recipes on our … Continue reading

Cauliflower: A Love Story


Cauliflower.  My word, it is SO good.  And this past week I proved it to myself all over again.

Exhibit A: Cauliflower and Green Onion Stir-Fry

I haven’t made too many stir-fries recently, and that is about to change.  I LOVED this, though I naturally made some changes from the linked recipe.  I didn’t have rice wine, so used white wine.  Didn’t have a wok, so just used a big saute pan.  Doubled the ginger.  Frankly, I think this is a great base recipe, to which you could substitute many different roasted vegetables in place of the cauliflower.  The sauce with the green onions and caramelized onions would be so good with pretty much anything. (Oh, and, um, maybe I eat like a crazy person, but I got 3 servings out of this, not 4.)

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Exhibit B: Cauliflower and Chickpea Curry

Okay, so this did take a while to make.  Should have guessed that when it was adapted from a slow-cooker recipe for a Dutch oven.  And I had put off making it forever because wilted spinach just isn’t my thing.  So instead of fresh spinach, I just added some frozen chopped spinach at the end of cooking time.  SO, so good.

Exhibit C: Crispy Cauliflower Leaves

So, I prepped the two cauliflower heads for these recipes at the same time, and for one reason: that meant I had double the cauliflower leaves leftover.  Kaki, if you’ve never roasted  cauliflower leaves, now is the time.  It’s just a toss-in-oil, salt-and-pepper method; I roasted them while roasting the florets for the stir-fry (so, also at 450*F, and for 30 minutes).

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Let’s make up some cauliflower goodness the next time we’re together, okay?

Until then!